The 2004 International Congress of the IAP was hosted by the Australasian Division in Brisbane.
Shinichiro Ushigome was President of the IAP and Florabel Mullick was Secretary. Warick Delprado was President of the Australasian Division, Robin Cooke was President of the Congress, and Robert Eckstein was Chairman of the Scientific Committee.
The Congress went very well and delegates came from many countries. Photographs of some delegates are shown.
Two innovations were introduced at the Congress. It was the first one in which only power point presentations were used. These presentations were controlled from a central computer station. In spite of reservations expressed by many people, this went quite smoothly.
The other innovation was that all 22 slide seminars were presented on CDs using a ‘virtual slide’ method with fixed images. The handout book was printed as a flowing document rather than the more stilted method of just photocopying the power point presentation. It would have been nice to be able to print the book in colour, but this was not practical and the images were presented in black and white.
Since 2007 the slide seminars at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Division have been presented as CDs with handout booklets in full colour.
The Australasian Division was formally established in 1973. Since that time it has become the main scientific association of the Anatomical Pathologists in Australia and New Zealand.
It is governed by a Board with representatives from each State and New Zealand. It is administered by an executive consisting of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President and President elect. The Editor of the News Letter attends meetings of the Executive as a non voting member. The Division employs a full time Secretary (Mrs Jan McLean) and her assistant, Mrs. Rayleen Jovanovitch.
The current state of the Division is best explained by the report on the 35th Annual Scientific Meeting June 4-6, 2010 by the President, Richard Jaworski
The attendance was 570 from Australia and New Zealand with some visitors from other parts of the Asia Pacific Region.
The keynote speakers for the weekend were Glenn McCluggage, Belfast, U.K. (Gynaecological pathology) and Philip LeBoit, San Francisco, USA. (Dermatopathology)
This year’s programme included three Master Classes.
Initially intended for Trainees these classes have proved so popular that they have been opened up to all registrants.
Topics this year were Neuropathology, FNA breast, Endocrine Pathology.
The Robin Cooke Medal for meritorious service was given to Professor Kon Muller in recognition of his efforts for the Academy both at international and local levels.
The Distinguished Pathologist Medal was given to Professor Douglas Henderson for his outstanding contributions to the science and art of pathology
This year we hosted three overseas pathologists to attend our meeting - Dr Abha Gupta, Fiji; Dr Razmin Ghazali, Kuala Lumpur and Dr. Sonal Kulkarni, Western Samoa. |