Assembly of Asia Pacific
International Academy of Pathology
Recent administrative decision
IAP Executive Meeting Oct 9, 2010 and Council Meeting Oct 10, 2010 – Sao Paulo Brazil
The Asia Pacific Group of Divisions has successfully held a number of aggregate meetings and now wish to formalize this multidivisional arrangement as an “Assembly”.
**IAP Constitution, Article VI Assemblies:
- The International Council, upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee, may from time to time form groups of members to be known as “Assemblies”, membership in which shall be voluntary and need not be composed of members from one “Division”; the name of each Assembly and the scope of its interests and activities shall be prescribed by the Executive Committee.
- An Assembly may be dissolved by the International Council upon recommendation of the Executive Committee.
That the IAP group of Divisions and other members geographically located in the Asia Pacific region* be constituted as an “Assembly” (Article Vi – Assemblies**) for the purposes of furthering the goals of the IAP in the Asia Pacific region.Moved
*IAP Division: Japan, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, India, Australasia and other IAP members.
That the scope of interests of this IAP Assembly include conducting APIAP aggregate meetings named the “Asia Pacific International Academy of Pathology Congresses” of the regional IAP Divisions and other appropriate activities for furthering the goals of the IAP as stipulated in the IAP Constitution.
Special thanks for data to complete this report go to Jan McLean, Charles Ramey, Bob Eckstein, HK Ng, Phil Allen, Shinichiro Ushigome